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22 août 2013

Typographie: qu'est-ce qu'un A ?

Typographie metaphysique

Dans "Metamagical Themas: Questing for the Essence of Mind and Pattern", Douglas R. Hofstadter consacre un chapitre à la question "qu'est-ce qui caractérise l'essence d'une lettre de l'alphabet" ?  (chap 13, "Metafont, Metamathematics, and Metaphysics"). Il y montre moultes illustrations de ce que la question n'a rien de simple: tout usager des caractères latins s'y retrouve sans ambiguité (bien qu'existent les ambigrammes); par contre la même table avec un caractère kanji ne nous semble rien comporter de commun.
  • Le manuscript du chapitre (illustrations à partir de la page 24; le livre en comporte d'avantages).

Typographie chimique

Micro Type typography ink
Micro Type typography ink Micro Type typography ink Micro Type typography ink

Animated Liquid Typography typography animation gifs alphabet Animated Liquid Typography typography animation gifs alphabet Animated Liquid Typography typography animation gifs alphabet Animated Liquid Typography typography animation gifs alphabet Animated Liquid Typography typography animation gifs alphabet

Typographie paysagère

A- A 19th Century Lithographer Transforms the Alphabet into a Series of Sweeping Landscapes typography lithographs landscapes illustration alphabet B- A 19th Century Lithographer Transforms the Alphabet into a Series of Sweeping Landscapes typography lithographs landscapes illustration alphabet C- A 19th Century Lithographer Transforms the Alphabet into a Series of Sweeping Landscapes typography lithographs landscapes illustration alphabet D- A 19th Century Lithographer Transforms the Alphabet into a Series of Sweeping Landscapes typography lithographs landscapes illustration alphabet E- Series of 26 landscape scenes shaped as letters of the alphabet; rebound in a 20th-century binding.
F- Series of 26 landscape scenes shaped as letters of the alphabet; rebound in a 20th-century binding.G- Series of 26 landscape scenes shaped as letters of the alphabet; rebound in a 20th-century binding.H- A 19th Century Lithographer Transforms the Alphabet into a Series of Sweeping Landscapes typography lithographs landscapes illustration alphabet K- Series of 26 landscape scenes shaped as letters of the alphabet; rebound in a 20th-century binding.L- Series of 26 landscape scenes shaped as letters of the alphabet; rebound in a 20th-century binding.M- A 19th Century Lithographer Transforms the Alphabet into a Series of Sweeping Landscapes typography lithographs landscapes illustration alphabet N- A 19th Century Lithographer Transforms the Alphabet into a Series of Sweeping Landscapes typography lithographs landscapes illustration alphabet Q- A 19th Century Lithographer Transforms the Alphabet into a Series of Sweeping Landscapes typography lithographs landscapes illustration alphabet Series of 26 landscape scenes shaped as letters of the alphabet; rebound in a 20th-century binding.A 19th Century Lithographer Transforms the Alphabet into a Series of Sweeping Landscapes typography lithographs landscapes illustration alphabet U- Series of 26 landscape scenes shaped as letters of the alphabet; rebound in a 20th-century binding.W- A 19th Century Lithographer Transforms the Alphabet into a Series of Sweeping Landscapes typography lithographs landscapes illustration alphabet Z- A 19th Century Lithographer Transforms the Alphabet into a Series of Sweeping Landscapes typography lithographs landscapes illustration alphabet

Typographie 3D

Painted Typography by Pawel Nolbert typography posters and prints paint illustration digital Painted Typography by Pawel Nolbert typography posters and prints paint illustration digital Painted Typography by Pawel Nolbert typography posters and prints paint illustration digital Painted Typography by Pawel Nolbert typography posters and prints paint illustration digital Painted Typography by Pawel Nolbert typography posters and prints paint illustration digital


Typographie subliminale

  • L'article de Demilked sur les logos à symbolisme caché