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23 juin 2009

Théatre d'ombres

Shiego Fukuda Sculpture Video IllusionFukadas Underground Piano Illusion

Kumi Yamashita

Block Shadow Girl Optical Illusion Portfolio Item  Portfolio Item
Question MarkPortfolio ItemPortfolio Item

Tim Noble et Sue Webster
 Amazing Shadow Illusions Collection Nihilistic Optimistic: New Shadow Sculptures Built from Discarded Wood from Tim Noble and Sue Webster  shadows sculpture Nihilistic Optimistic: New Shadow Sculptures Built from Discarded Wood from Tim Noble and Sue Webster  shadows sculpture

Diet Wiegman
Light Sculptures by Diet Wiegman shadows sculpture reflection light  Light Sculptures by Diet Wiegman shadows sculpture reflection light  Light Sculptures by Diet Wiegman shadows sculpture reflection light
En couleurs
Rashad Alakbarov Paints with Shadows and Light lighting light installation color

More on shadow art

20 juin 2009

Ahmed Galal: Trame

cliquez pour voir la trame (sur la page de l'auteur)

Crayonner avec un cutter

Un petit retour chez nos amis les psychopathes:

Jeffery Rudell

A detail showing relative scale between a craft knife and the left pupil. The overall dimensions of the work are 48 x 60.
             Vous avez du mal à comprendre ? voir l'article de CraftStylish :-)


Hina Aoyama

paper art with scissors by hina aoyama (1)
paper art with scissors by hina aoyama (10)paper art with scissors by hina aoyama (8)
paper art with scissors by hina aoyama (6)

paper art with scissors by hina aoyama (11)paper art with scissors by hina aoyama (2)

Rogan Brown 

hand cut paper art rogan brown (4)hand cut paper art rogan brown (8)hand cut paper art rogan brown (11)Hand cut layered paper relief sculpture
hand cut paper art rogan brown (10)
hand cut paper art rogan brown (9)Outbreak: Hand Cut Paper Microbes and Pathogens by Rogan Brown sculpture science paper germs
Hand cut layered paper sculptureHand cut layered paper sculpture
Hand cut layered paper sculpture

Les lettres d'Ebon Heath

Ebon_Heath_2  Ebon_Heath_4
 Font Sculpture by Ebon Heath  

Celles de Dan Hoopert

Laser cuts d'Eric Standlay
( oui mais bon, par découpe laser, c'est un peu de la triche ).
3d laser cut paper art eric standley layered complex intricate (3)
3d laser cut paper art eric standley layered complex intricate (4)

Figuratif:  Elliot Frantz
Celebrity Portraits Carved into Corrugated Cardboard Audrey-HepburnCelebrity Portraits Carved into Corrugated Cardboard-Audrey-HepburnCelebrity Portraits Carved into Corrugated Cardboard Humphrey-BogartCelebrity Portraits Carved into Corrugated Cardboard-Humphrey-BogartПортреты на гофрированном картоне Elliot Frantz


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